Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No bibles at some Hyatt hotels, thanks to Obama's cmpgn finance manager

It has been reported that Hyatt hotels has removed the bibles from their hotel rooms, but not all Hyatts have done so.

I received a report that they have at the Chicago Hyatt Regency. The individual making that claim said he had asked staff and it was a very rehearsed corporate answer, "Some of our guest are uncomfortable with a bible in the room"!

Who owns Hyatt hotels? She's work $1.8 billion and is the campaign finance manager for Obama...Penny Pritzker of Chicago. Her office is over on 1 North Wacker, the home of Hyatt headquarters. Bloggers are abuzz with her having been at the eipcenter of the subprime loan catastrophy - http://gdaeman.blogspot.com/2008/02/who-is-penny-pritzker-and-why-is-she.html

The Hyatt Regency in Austin reportedly has bibles in their rooms. I called to check, and it appeared that I wasn't the first to have done so.

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